What are we researching? Problematic Internet Use in Youth with Psychiatric Illness Piloting Smartphone Digital Phenotyping to Understand Problematic Internet Use in an Adolescent and Young Adult Sample Problematic Internet Use Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Youth in Outpatient Mental Health Treatment: App-Based Ecological Momentary Assessment Study Problematic Internet Use and Associated High-Risk Behavior in an Adolescent Clinical Sample: Results from a Survey of Psychiatrically Hospitalized Youth A pilot study using ecological momentary assessment via smartphone application to identify adolescent problematic internet use High-Risk Social Media & Internet Use Exploring relationships between social media use, online exposure to drug-related content, and youth substance use in real time: a pilot ecological momentary assessment study in a clinical sample of adolescents and young adults Social Media Contagion of High-Risk Behaviors in Youth An assessment of digital media-related admissions in psychiatrically hospitalized adolescents.