The digital world is constantly in flux…
Keeping up-to-date on the digital world is overwhelming. To me as well. I’m supposed to know about what kids do online for a living and I still find myself caught off-guard by a website or app all the time. Fortunately, staying safe online is more about recognizing patterns than knowing all the cool new apps: it’s about learning both your own digital media habits and techniques that platforms predictably use to keep users’ eyes glued.
I plan to use this blog to help readers (and, admittedly, myself) stay in-the-know about new digital media-related issues. I also hope these musings will quell panic caused by fear-stoking media headlines; life is hard enough these days without being told your child’s brain will rot if they watch a single YouTube video (seriously - I just had to break it to my ravenous toddler that she couldn’t have another cheesestick - quite possibly her 5th consecutive one - before dinner. And that already felt too challenging for a Saturday afternoon).